Cartoons and Art by Geoff Roberts. Hope ya like it.

Geoff @houndkidz

Age 26, Male

Buffalo, New York

Joined on 3/12/14

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Back home from Pico Day 2024, what a time!

Posted by houndkidz - May 20th, 2024

Pico Day 2024 Round Up

As I write this, I have just returned home from an amazing trip to Pico Day 2024 in New Jersey. The last Newgrounds event I attended was the the 2022 Toronto Meetup, and I had a lot of fun during that... but this was a whole 'nother level.

Apologies, I am notoriously bad at remembering to take photos... so I don't have a lot of my own to share but thankfully I can mooch off of everyone else's... 😈


I traveled in from Buffalo, NY. From left to right were my traveling companions (@playBlast , myself, @ninjamuffin99 , and @ConnorGrail ). Later on we also met up with @Karlestonchew . All great dudes, glad to get to know them all a bit better (excluding playblast, not because he's whack but conversely I'm already quite tight with). Here's some photos of the shenanigans that went on...


It was great to see @Owen and @Droid again, as I had met them separately in person before (Adult Swim Philly Event and 2022 Toronto Meet up respectively), I met @Ant , the esteemed creator of Money Man, And then for the first time in person, @Bill and @Spinalpalm who I'd only ever chatted with online before. Their Poop Game is something quite special, really fun to play! Apparently according to Chris I got pretty far in it, can't wait to play more of it. Don't have pictures of that, but it was lovely I assure you. @TomFulp and @Luis , cool to chat briefly with them again too I might add. Oh also, @SrPelo was super cool too! We happened to randomly bump into him on the way out of NYC the next day as you can see from the second to last pic. Very nice fella.

Beyond just getting the chance to see all the amazing other animations on the big screen with an audience of I believe 300+, it was really cool to see my cartoon Becky and the Lost Egg as part of the show. I don't think I've ever had that many people in one place, and at the same time see something of mine... so that was really special. Thank you to @BrandyBuizel and team for making that happen! Speaking of which, the sequel to Becky should be out this year I can now confirm. It's long overdue, but I think I can make it happen finally.

To close out, I had a great time, and I really can't wait for the next big event I am able to attend like this!




Oh, how I yearn to go to Nintendo World once more in New York…

@OviManic we went, I can confirm that it is indeed a world of Nintendo

yo becky 2, can't wait!